Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Not ready yet

After a very busy weekend we find ourselves with two sick boys. #1 has tonsillitis but is well enough to go to school (doctors words not just mine). He's on antibiotics and other than having trouble eating and swallowing he's fine. His throat looks disgusting though. Blech.

#3 woke up Sunday night/Monday morning at 2am with a nasty fever of 102.5, he was all dry and felt like a sauna. Poor little guy.

I finally got the fever down by lunch, just in time to drop #2 off at preschool and head to the clinic with him where I was told there was over an hour to wait. Since I couldn't do that because I had to pick up #1 I tried a different clinic on the way. Another wait, but not as long, so we sat. We were joined by another Mom we know who had also gone to another clinic (albeit a different one than I had originally gone to) where the wait was an hour and a half. By the time the doctor saw us, #3's fever was gone thanks to baby tylenol and he was pronounced fine, but that he had a viral thing (same thing my other Mom friend was told about her dd who also had a 103 temp). I got out of there just in time to go wait for #1 who had managed to get in trouble (apparently you are not supposed to wander the halls looking a pictures when you say you are going to the washroom and never come back) so was actually late getting out of class. Which, in turn, almost made us late picking up #3 from her school on the other side of town. What fun.

Through all of that #3 still had not slept (and only had fitfully the night before) so, of course, he promptly fell asleep right as we pulled in at home and then woke up five minutes later thinking he was done. He was cranky and out of sorts but would not sleep. He wouldn't nurse either. In fact, he had refused to do so since the morning. And when I say refuse, I mean absolutely freak out about it. He was taking a bottle but normally he is quite happy to do either or both.

By this morning he still refused to nurse. He normally nurses sometime between 9 and 11pm and then again anywhere between 5 & 7 am. Nope. I think I started crying in frustration at some point. And disappointment. I'm not ready to wean him yet. Especially when he is sick. Especially since he's my last baby. I'm not ready.

I was thinking the next month or two. You might think, what's the big deal if you were going to do it in a month or two anyway but all I can say is he's my last baby. With #1 and #2, who were weaned at 8 and 10 months respectively, it was about need and going back to work and frankly just being done. It is different this time. That's all. And to me he's still so little.

After doing some research on the internet I have decided it might be a nursing strike (hey we've had a few of those in BC! LOL) so I've adopted some of the suggestions and we will see how it goes.
