Friday, January 19, 2007

Let me out

I need a break.

I got a call on Tuesday from school telling me #1 had thrown up all over himself and his desk and could I come get him. Wonder what they would have done if I said "No thank you." Ha. OK, yes, I felt bad for him. Poor little guy. He came home and didn't move off the couch and if you know my #1 child you'll know that is unusual. I even got him to take a nap. A NAP!

On Wednesday I thought he was better but I kept him home anyway, just to be sure. Oy (no, I'm not Jewish but that two letter sound completely works in this situation). I get #2 to preschool and decide we must go grocery shopping (which we didn't do on Tuesday because #1 was sick) or there wouldn't be a lot of dinner options. In addition, I needed to get party goodies and organise #2's party for Sunday. I spent a lot of time at the store reminding #1 that Christmas was just here, it was #2's birthday and to stay with me. Thankfully #3 fell asleep so that was something. By the time I got out of the store my nerves were almost shot. And, oh look, preschool was almost over and it was already time to pick up #2.

On Thursday the plan was to send #1 to school, he had been perfectly fine all day Wednesday. That is until I heard that wonderful sound (at 5:30am no less) that means we need to get a bucket (sorry). Great, another day home with all three (believe me when I tell you that I adore my children but they are very high needs in different ways so school is a good thing). And Thursday is my nice pj day since #1 normally has choir on Thursday and #2 doesn't have preschool so I don't have to go anywhere until 3. It is a nice thing. On Thursday night dh is a youth leader so he's not home and #2 chose yesterday to cry at every small infraction and sometimes at nothing. #3 is also cranky, I'm not sure whether due to teething or something else.

By the time dh got home last night I was craving me time. I don't even know what me time is anymore. Is it bootcamp? Well, not really, because while I'm doing that for myself and my health it is not necessarily something I love to do. I was needing a "Calgon take me away" moment. Unfortunately, while we have three bathrooms in the house only one of them has a bathtub and since #1 had just had a bath before bed it was full of toys. It defeats the purpose if you have to clean it before getting in.

So, I'm still waiting for my Calgon moment. I suspect I won't get it for a while. As usual we are very busy and dh has been working very hard the last few weeks and is very busy at work. I'm thinking a trip to a spa is in order very soon. Luckily my dh is also wonderful that way and I know he'll want to buy me that for Valentine's Day (once I suggest it to him! LOL).
