Freaky Fish & Ballerinas
So after I got over my crankiness of yesterday and really this whole whirlwind week, I thought I'd post about some of the things in my world right now...things that make me go "hmmm".The first is our fish. First of all he's a goldfish and he's very large. I'm not sure you can see how big he is in this photo but if you look at the shell and/or even the plug and see how much bigger he is maybe you can. He's huge. Dh says he's almost big enough to filet, which just scares me 'cause, ew! Anyway, yesterday I was looking over at him and he did this weird head bob thing and I thought maybe he was having a fishy heart attack. I lifted the lid on his tank and he swam up and opened his huge mouth for food and I swear if my finger was too close he would have eaten that. So now I think his headbob was really saying "Pssst, over here, come a little closer. That's right, feed me, feed me." Yeah, he's a weird, freaky little fish.
#2 child starts dance lessons next week. She is over the moon excited. Between the singing and the dancing I think we're already in trouble but she loves anything girly. And what is more girly than a pink dance outfit and ballet slippers:
Isn't she so adorable? I had to beg her to take this off afterwards, of course. She wouldn't have but I told her we had to keep it extra special clean for our first day of dance class and she bought it. Last week she went to the store in her Angel costume. She left off the wings and insists it is actually a princess costume but all the same it was an interesting look to go shopping with Daddy in. He doesn't mind her dressing up or even doing his hair or anything. I do have a picture of dh in a tiara, or some kind of headband with a bow, but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't want me to post it so you're going to just have to imagine it (and no it's not a good look on him!)