Saturday, November 25, 2006

Update on my July "weight of the world" post

I am down 14lbs, that was as of almost two weeks ago and I think it's a bit more now but I will wait until my official weigh in to be sure. It's coming off slowly but apparently that's a good thing, especially when you are nursing a baby. You need to make sure you are getting enough calories in to keep making breast milk and also so as not to change the composition, I think. It's something like that anyway and I'm going with it because otherwise I feel like I haven't lost the weight fast enough. Plus being sick the last month means I haven't really done any walking or anything, I've barely had enough energy to live so...I was actually surprised when I was down another 3 the last time I weighed in. I'm hoping to be down 2 this time. I went for a month without losing one pound. The scale did not move, it ticked me off BUT I had lost 3 inches on my waist and another 3 on my hips (those are totals not that one time) so that was a good thing, it was nice to note something was happening even when the scale wasn't moving. When I was down the 3lbs at the last weigh in there was no inch loss. I think there will be next time as when I quickly checked myself it looked like another 1/4" on the waist and 1/2" on the hips so YAY!

Remember this was the before:
Not much difference but still, it's a start. You can tell more if you turn the model to the side (just hit the arrow).

It's hard for me to even believe I'm posting about this here because my weight has been an issue my whole life. I guess that I've finally come to terms with who I am for the most part. If I post it here I know I can still fail at the weight loss and hopefully not be ridiculed for it. Sometimes I don't eat good things but I am trying to do everything in moderation. At this point I am trying and I know that's got to be good enough for me.