Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Little sharp tooth

From now on that is #3's name. His little bottom tooth finally broke the surface and it is quite sharp. He is learning about his tooth. He is learning that sometimes biting down hard is not a good thing, especially if it is on Mommy's finger or other parts. He is also learning that he can chew, even though his baby cracker/cookie thingy pretty much melts in his mouth. Today I saw him scraping the cracker thingy on his tooth and chewing.

With the onset of this tooth and the last few weeks him sitting independently I now realise that time is going too fast and my last baby is growing up quickly. Where did the time go? When did my tiny peanut get so heavy?

Yesterday he rode in his big boy car seat for the first time (don't freak out it is a convertible car seat, appropriate for his age, weight and height and it faces backwards). He loved it. I put him in and then placed his quilt (made by the Women's group at Burnett - thank you!!) over his lap and tucked it around him. He was a very happy boy. I am all at once sad that he is getting so big and happy that my arm doesn't have to fall off anymore from carrying the car seat. Whew!

I thought I would show a little progression of time here: