Monday, October 16, 2006

This is dedicated to the one I love

I really love them all but in particular it was #3 child who was dedicated yesterday. It was very lovely and almost my whole family showed up. My brother ended up stuck in Pender Harbour as the weather was too bad for them to get home or something. He is only home for a short time from Iraq where he is deployed with the US Special Services. I am proud of him but scared all the time as well, and I know that when he is here I only get to see him for about 1/2 hour so I was sad that he couldn't make it. Anyway, a lot of others did make Mom and step-father, my step-sister and her fiance, my best friend and her fiance, and a few other really good friends, including the singer extraordinaire whom I adore and haven't seen for a month or so. There were others too who go to our church but usually different services. I felt bad because I just didn't get a chance to talk to everyone but it was nice to see them all. I know for some it was a long trek out for a 5 minute piece of the overall service but dh and I appreciated it so much.

#3 child was so cute and very happy. He had no problems with Pastor D holding him and in fact, was playing with his chin during the prayer. Unfortunately, my friend with my camera didn't feel it was appropriate to take photos during this time so we have none of this. We do have one of dh, me and #3 but it is not good so there. Sara informs me that there was someone running around the back of the church taking photos so hopefully they will come forward and share as we'd really like one of Pastor D and #3. Therefore I will just show some photos I took of #3 in the last day or two before his dedication:

The dedication was beautiful and I didn't even cry. I didn't have to speak so that's probably why I was able to keep it together. That and the fact that the lights were blinding me and I was trying to keep the baby from pulling my top down in front of the whole congregation. Pastor S was laughing silently at that.

All in all it was a very good day. Next Sunday #1 child has chosen to be baptised...his idea, his thing. I am so blessed.