Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sweet, sweet things

Inspired by my friend Becky (see her blog link to the right), I set about making some English Muffins. I love english muffins and what could be better than homemade, right? The recipe looked easy enough so with #1's help we started making them. THe process was quite simple and I have to admit I cheated and used my KitchenAid instead of doing it by hand the way Becky's recipe suggests but it seems to have worked just fine.

Here's a photo of them right after we cut them out (they aren't perfectly round as my helper was having trouble getting them from where we cut them out to the cookie sheet but they are still a thing of beauty to me!):

The only trouble I had was when I let them sit to rise I didn't realize that my kitchen wasn't very warm so they really weren't rising that well. So, I turned the oven on to the lowest setting, turned off and then put them in there and that was much better.

Also, I don't have a griddle just an electric fry pan so I used that. It worked pretty well I just had to watch for hot spots and move the english muffins around but they still turned out great (in my opinion).

We had one untoasted just because it was still warm and the kids were so excited.

Toasted they were unbelievable. We went all the way and had breakfast for dinner last night just so we could eat these right away. Sweet, sweet goodness they were I tell you.

We had a lovely smoked turkey and cheese omelette (well more like a scramble because apparently someone used a metal utensil in my non-stick pan and it is no longer non-stick), hot chocolate and these english muffins. Not exactly a balanced meal (I couldn't decide what vegetable I should serve and I decided the onions in the omelette would have to do because it was getting way too late) but it was oh, so good. The kids didn't even notice the onions in the omelette.