Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ink Stains

Especially when you suck it. Yeah, sucking ink is not usually a good idea. Of course babies don't know that so they do it anyway.

Talk about sucking...sigh...My back was turned for all of two seconds (max) yesterday and #3 got into my office garbage, grabbed the inkjet ink refill bottle and sucked on it. Somehow the lid cracked off and he was covered in black ink.

Normally he likes to get into my recycle bin and I let him play with the papers, that's what I thought he was doing as I stepped around my desk to see. Nope, he was in the garbage. I was like oh no, kleenex and what not, gross and leaped over to grab it away...and then he looked up. Covered in black ink around his mouth like something oozing...well oozing something. Oh, it reminded me of the the penguin from whichever Batman had Danny DeVito playing the penguin and he had that black stuff running down his face, only not as pretty! LOL

I should have taken a picture but all I could think of was to get him washed off as soon as possible. I wiped and rinsed and wiped and rinsed some more but his one hand was stained, as was his tongue. I managed to get a good bit of his face and lips clean. In the process of this I managed to get covered in ink. He was more mad that I took the ink away and was trying to get him clean.

I called Poison control and they assured me he would be fine, that it looked worse than it was and if I got the bulk of it washed off the stain would go away on its own. For having three kids that was my first call ever to poison control so I guess that's not too bad but sheesh. He obviously didn't swallow that much, if any at all, since his, er, movements were normal coloured.

All this happened right before I had to take #2 to preschool. It was lovely as #3 and I had matching blacky grey/green (it seemed to turn green as I scrubbed at it) hands.

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