Thursday, April 24, 2008

Funny Horoscope

As a rule, I don't generally read horoscopes. It's not my gig. But a friend of mine posted on of hers from Free Will Astrology and it was hilarious, so I thought I'd check mine out.

Capricorn Horoscope for week of April 24, 2008:

I've got three messages for you. They may seem unrelated, but by this time next week you will see that they are intimately interconnected. 1. Unless you were raised in the woods by badgers, it's a perfect moment to slip into your second childhood. 2. Unless you really can't stand having your mind changed, it's an excellent time to launch a daring project that would have seemed impossible to the person you were a year ago. 3. People unsympathetic to your cause may think you're in the throes of delusions of grandeur, but those of us who have faith in your untapped powers say they're not delusions but viable fantasies.

Wait, how do they know I was raised in the woods by badgers? And I love it when people think I have delusions of grandeur. 'Cause nothing says Stay-at-home-Mom than someone with grand delusions. Frankly, I'm daring every time I have to change #3's diaper. What more could I want? :-D