Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hey - did you happen to see...

the man with the biggest smile and zest for life in the world. And if you did was he drinking a beer? The man who used to sing me this song, albeit with the right lyrics: Hey, did you happen to see the most beautiful girl in the world?

That man would be my uncle and I just found out that he's very ill. In fact, I'm not sure if he'll make it through the next few days. Dh suggested I write about him and I scoffed at that, but then I thought yeah. Because my Uncle B was always my favourite. And yes, ok, you're not supposed to have favourites, but you know you do.

He's a big, big guy and when I was little I would dance on his feet to the song above and also to Kiss an Angel Good Morning. He's also my biggest reminder of my Papa. Because he's so very like him. And my Papa meant the world to me, even though I lost him when I was just heading in to my teens. I remember my Papa like it was yesterday and it was only in December that I last saw Uncle B.

He had lost weight and we all thought that was a good thing. As I said, he was a very big guy. Unfortunately, it turns out this weight loss was not for a good reason, and it appears he has cancer. And only just returning from Palm Springs, he left it far too long before seeing a doctor. Again, just like my Papa. Too much thinking that it'll get better and who needs a doctor. And now he has both a mysterious infection and pneumonia.

I only found this all out this last half hour. I was gaily trying to plan a games night with a bunch of friends. Now all I can think about is why is cancer such a brutal illness. Why is it so prevalent and when will we find a cure? Just a few short weeks ago my very good friend lost her mother to this illness. Several years ago two other friends both lost their fathers within months of each other, I believe.

When I am able to donate money to causes there are two I support without fail. Children's Hospital and The Cancer Society, generally breast cancer stuff, but any of them really. I even put together and edited a cookbook (Cooking to Cure Breast Cancer) filled with recipes donated by soapers around the world (if you are interested post a comment or email me and I will send you the link to buy it) - net proceeds go to the BC Cancer Agency. This disease needs to be stopped.

So I raise a toast to and say a prayer for my Uncle B.

"Hey, did you happen to see... And if you did was she crying? Crying?"