Sunday, August 26, 2007

Pirates a Plenty

(This photo is from the first day, I think, before I got too pinked out! LOL)

It came and went. Summer Kids Club is over for another year. With over 500 kids it was the smallest one I've done but still, that's a lot of kids.

This year I was a pirate in the drama. In past years I have been a leader. This year I needed a break from that, being that I have been a youth leader and am heavily involved in other stuff. I needed a break from the constant diligence needed when leading a group of 15-20 kids. I have three of my own. I love them. But, I needed to not lead any this year. I think my sanity depended on it.

So, I got to be a pirate. A very pink pirate. I'd show photos but I'm not sure if there are any. Basically, I turned the Black Pearl, into the Dainty Pearl and then the Pretty Pearl. I hung pink sails, and draped Captain Paul in a pink feather boa. I also made him wear a tiara with pink furry stuff on it. The younger kids seemed to enjoy these antics a lot. They yelled out to me whenever I went by, and the girls tried to show me their sparklies or pink outfits. It was fun. Well, other than eating a salmon stuffed oreo that was a bit of a surprise gag on me.

I also helped out with setting up some outdoor games in between, but otherwise I just wandered around and talked to kids, and played my part to the hilt. I wasn't feeling the best so it was good that I didn't have to lead. I did get some grief about that on one day, but I figure I do a lot to help on an every day basis so I tried not to feel too bad.

It may not have been the toughest job, but I hope the kids learned something about where their treasure really is. Yoho matey's... Give and hold nothing back - the new pirate's code!
