Monday, November 26, 2007

No time, but...

Lately I barely have a second to think. I have to keep going or I'll collapse. "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." Most of it is really good, unfortunately it all ended up being due or happening all in the same week. All of it. And that's this week. I was pushing to get my other stuff done last week, but it didn't happen. I don't seem to have enough hours in the day and where I used to steal them at night I have a toddler who thinks that's play time.

Ha! For who?

I think once this molar comes in for him it will be over. I'm praying anyway.

BUT, I have a new gadget and I'm thrilled. Not sure it will help me get more done, but I'm willing to use it to try.

My new cell phone is an HTC Touch.
I love my new phone. It is taking some getting used to, but I can do so many things with this. I love it. Not sure it's right to be in love with a phone, but I am. I can even read my eBooks on it. Now instead of dragging around my cell phone and an old Palm Vx and reading on a weird gray/green background, I can have both phone and book reader in one thing - in colour! And backlit! And I got a great deal, they even threw in a free music box and bluetooth thing. And, and... well, you probably don't care - go check it out if you do.

Meantime, I'm not really blogging much. If you need me - phone my new cell. If you want that # call my house or email me.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Princess, Black Spiderman and Tigers...Oh My!

And yes, I know he's Venom. He just doesn't like that because he says there are no teeth so it's not Venom (and mostly because he thinks it is less scary to be Black Spiderman.)

This was their haul. It doesn't look as big in the picture (maybe because it's all piled on top of each other), but there is a LOT of candy:
